In Success Stories

SHEILA | Lost 13.5 lbs | UK

Hi everyone! I’m delighted to have lost 13.5 lbs – nearly a stone!! I’ve gone from 12 St 4 lbs to 11 st 5 lbs. my goal weight is 10 St 5 lbs. But I also feel great! I’ve lost inches, all my clothes either fit properly or are loose, my stomach is much flatter. I’ve found the mindset work, the 50 reasons and the affirmations so enlightening. The meditation has helped me to examine how I’m really feeling inside.

This has changed me and made me realise I’ve been caught on a treadmill – I’m off the treadmill and beginning to see a new way forward for the new me.

This is far more than a whole food/weight loss programme. Thank you Deborah Murtagh and team x

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